Are you ready to explore new technological territories?

In the Minor Immersive Environments you will be challenged to go beyond the screen and start experimenting with the design of digital-physical spaces.

Projection, sound, objects, people, sensors and interactive walls are just some of the elements that you will use to create Immersive Environments.

The techniques and insights that you will acquire during this extensive course may be used in museums, retail spaces, fashion shows, festivals, events, conferences or outdoor locations. For examples please check out this pinterest board:

Students from all studies are welcome. 

Please register at to show your creative trails so far and connect to our creative community.

For more information

Follow us on instagram:


Schedule 2024/25 semester 1:





Binge List:

The first week will be devoted to preparations and indulging yourself in our Binge List of documentaries about immersive art, video art, classics and more.


This week will be devoted to getting to know each other, the teachers and the creative environment of NDSM. In this part you will explore the possibilities of video projection, leading to small group projects in which you will present elements from the outside world into our Treehouse cabin.
Students learn about each other and their surroundings and learn about research and storytelling for a physical space.

Disco Projects:

During five weeks of disco(very) you will get acquainted with all kinds of software and technologies (such as touch design, arduino’s and projections mapping) and practice various skills that will be required to create interactive mixed reality installations. Every week there is a new sprint and assignment.

Storytelling for all Senses with A.I:

In this three week team project you will focus on environmental storytelling and Virtual Reality and experiment with ways to trigger more senses than just sound and vision. In the last week the installations will be tested and by presenting them to the NDSM community.

Personal Skill Development:

You are asked to develop a particular skill or the use of specific technology.

Deep Dive Topics:

During the course you will dive into an immersive topic.


Final Project Challenge:

In the last weeks you will work on a final team project, implementing all the skills that you have mastered in the previous period. We will invite external parties to come up with interesting challenges for you to transform spaces into Immersive Environments –  leading to a final exciting Group Expo Party.

Learning Goals Competences


Orientate & comprehend. The student has learned to comprehend a brief from a project partner and knows how to make use of knowledge and insights from (guest)lecturers and coaches. The student knows how to frame a brief.

Designing Together: The student has learned to cooperate in different small teams

conceptualise The students has learned to come up with a concept based on a briefing

visualize & create the student has learned to create a visualization or installation based on a concept

Prototyping and pollishing: Design by doing: The student trys different appraoches and itertes and experiments.

Evaluate The student is able to reflect on their process of products and those of others


DESIGN CRITIQUE The student has learned to work with a design critique method and knows how to handle input from peers and coaches to improve. The student participates in growth talks and is responsible for gathering evidence and annotations of their process in their growth books.(miro/milanote)

Creative Growth:

FLUENCY The students can come up with multiple ideas

ORIGINALITY The student can create original ideas

FLEXIBILITY The student is able to create ideas that differ from eachother

ELABORATION The student is able to change the initial idea by making iterations based on findings and feedback

The minor immersive environments has 30 ECTS. 

This is a creative minor where you learn by experimenting and doing. Every student is different and will follow their own path within the  following key areas:

  • Storytelling for all senses
  • Creative technology


The students log and demonstrate their growth in these key areas in a learning portfolio and in continuous assessments with the coaches.(growth talks) At the end of the minor there is an exposition. The exposition consists of a  personal project and a team project. The final assessment will be a presentation of the portfolio and the personal learning outcomes of each students. 

Assessment Form:

Elements of the minor:

Deep Dive – Researching a theoretical subject related to immersive environments
Discovery Projects – Get a taste of different technologies needed to create immersive environments.
Personal Project – Developing a skill and show that skill in a personal project (follow your own path)
Storytelling for all senses project – Using all senses to create an experience
Final projects – Work on real projects of your choice
Guest lectures & workshops – During the minor guest lecturers are invited to teach and show the different aspects of designing for immersive environments

Coordinators: Bart-Jan Steerenberg &  Djie Han Thung

Coaches: Bart-Jan Steerenberg, Djie Han Thung, Jaap Evenhuis, Stef Kolman.


The students are coached on their growth and have access to technical support during the projects. 



Software/hardware: Touch Designer, MadMapper/Millumin, AI tools, Adobe creative cloud, Blender, Arduino, sensors.

THIS MINOR WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE AMSTELCAMPUS THEO THIJSSENHUIS SIXTH FLOOR. TTH06a13 But we will do a lot of excursion into the world outside.