Are you ready to explore new technological territories?
In the Minor Immersive Environments you will be challenged to go beyond the screen and start experimenting with the design of digital-physical spaces.
Projection, sound, objects, people, sensors and interactive walls are just some of the elements that you will use to create Immersive Environments.
The techniques and insights that you will acquire during this extensive course may be used in museums, retail spaces, fashion shows, festivals, events, conferences or outdoor locations. For examples please check out this pinterest board: https://pin.it/6qw7vaF
Students from all studies are welcome. The course starts September 2024 and this time will be held at the University Campus in Amsterdam. Students will work in the University’s Makerslab, Audiolab, Immersive Lab, as well as their dedicated studio.

Binge List:
The first week will be devoted to preparations and indulging yourself in our Binge List of documentaries about immersive art, video art, classics and more.
Disco Projects:
During five weeks of disco(very) you will get acquainted with all kinds of software and technologies (such as touch design, arduino’s and projections mapping) and practice various skills that will be required to create interactive mixed reality installations. Every week there is a new sprint and assignment.
Storytelling for with AI
In this three week team project you will focus on environmental storytelling and AI tools, experiment with ways to trigger more senses than just sound and vision. In the last week the installations will be tested and by presenting them to the NDSM community.
Personal project:
You are asked to develop a particular skill or the use of specific technology.
Deep Dive Topics:
During the course you will dive into a topic of your choice:
Flow&Creativity, Virtual Fashion, Panoramas, Sense of Smell, Computer as Theatre, Immersion, Environmental Storytelling, Embodiment, Non-Fiction
Final Project:
In the last weeks you will work on a final team project, implementing all the skills that you have mastered in the previous period. We will invite external parties to come up with interesting challenges for you to transform spaces into Immersive Environments – leading to a final exciting Group Expo Party.

During the whole course, you will be coached and assessed by the coach(es) of the Minor. You reflect on your creative growth and take care of your process by documenting your creative trails in your ‘growth book’.
The coaches are:
Bart-Jan Steerenberg
Stef Kolman
Djie Han Thung
Jaap Evenhuis
Tamara Pinos Cisneros (Tech Coach)
During the whole course, you will be invited to attend inspiring online guest lectures and instructive physical workshops, covering a variety of immersive topics.
Esther Kin – Artist
Avinash Changa – WeMakeVR
Fedde ten Berge – Sound Artist
Todd van Hulzen – Interior designer
Pepijn van Soest – Dogtroep
Jonas Vorwerk – Light Artist
Wouter van der Zouwe – Yipp
Roy Gerritsen – y=f(x)
Quinn Tincher – Meow Wolf
Marjolijn Ruyg – LC Urban IX
Pepijn van Soest – Dogtroep
Ali Islami – VR Artist
Jos Agasi – Blauwe uur
Frank Bloem – Snifferoo
Dirk Bertels – .sB
Salvador Breed – Professional Audio FreakProfessional audiofreak

Students from all disciplines are welcome.
We strive to have a mix of students from different backgrounds: Theater/Film/Branding/CMD/ICT/Spatial and urban design/Product design/Exhibition design/Sound/Fashion/Light/…
Any other background is also very welcome. Maybe your are a sports student who wants to use the environment to engage people in activities. Or a biology students who wants to use spaces to communicate.
Please send an email to b.steerenberg@hva.nl and also register at the University of Applied Sciences or at Kies op Maat:
Students from Dutch Schools: https://www.kiesopmaat.nl/modules/hva/FDMCI/141252/
International students please send an email to both international-cmd@hva.nl and b.steerenberg@hva.nl
If your university is not part of KOM and does not have a partnership with UAS, it may be possible to come as a ‘free mover’.
Free movers info:
HVA students:
SEMESTER 1 2024-2025
HvA Students first round: Monday March 25 at 8.00 am until Sunday April 7 2024
KOM(Kies op Maat) S1 Monday April 22 from 9.00 am until Sunday May 26 2024
HvA students second round Monday April 22 8.00 am until Sunday April 28 2024
For this minor the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences has reserved a dedicated studio at the Campus at Theo Thijssenhuis.
The Minor Immersive Environments is developed by the faculty DMCI of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.